Sports Medicine

Our Sports and Exercise Physicians are medical doctors with specialist training in the assessment, diagnosis and management of sporting injuries.  Our team all have experience in elite sport, as well with managing the everyday athlete and worker with musculoskeletal injuries.

Our Sports and Exercise Physicians can help you by:

  • A thorough assessment and diagnosis of your injury or illness
  • A comprehensive management plan and direct line of communication with our allied health team
  • Chronic disease management and education on how to exercise within your limitations - eg in Obesity, Diabetes, Heart Disease and Asthma
  • Concussion assessment and management plans to allow safe return to play, work and school
  • Adolescent health and sports and exercise related issues

Assessment and Management may include:

  • Referral for appropriate further testing, such as medicare rebatable MRI, ultrasound, Xrays or blood tests
  • Exercise prescription and injury management
  • The prescription of medications required to manage your condition
  • Injection of joints performed under ultrasound guidance, or referral for more complicated procedures

Our Sports and Exercise Physician is based primarily at our sister clinic Life Performance Sports Medicine in West Melbourne

 Sports and Exercise Physician consultations are rebatable on-the-spot via the HICAPS system for those with Medicare coverage and a current GP referral.


Initial Consultation

This includes thorough assessment & diagnosis of your injury or health issue. We then discuss the prognosis and plan how to best manage your condition.


Follow-up Consultation

A standard consultation for an injury that has been previously assessed at the clinic.

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